Well it is supposed to be a diver's retreat but it seems that only about five of the twenty or so people that go actually dive. It seems that Mel Rich (the coordinator) has been going to this particular camp for many years now and arranged for our group to have a section of approximately fifteen sites reserved for us. Cape Ann is located a little north of Gloucester, MA along the salt marshes. Obviously since Jaedyn and

I don't dive we dropped the kayak in off one of the jetties and paddled through the salt marshes, which were defiantly a different experience. They start out like a very calm river following the tides, weather is going in or out, and then they get narrow and start to wind around like a maze. Every once in a while I'll come to a dead end and have to turn around and remember how I got in to begin with. Oh who am I kidding, they were all dead ends. A couple of times I tried to stand up on the grassy marsh and see if I could find a way through to the river but it just looked like one big grassy field. As the picture can clearly show, between the grass are small thin water ways that i was paddling through. Sometimes I thought that I was coming to another dead end and suddenly a water way would appear around the high grass. This was defiantly like nothing I'd ever paddled through.

I only wish Jaedyn had gotten to see it. Yeah she feel a sleep about twenty minutes into our trip and I had to wake her up when we arrived at the boat ramp.
Now how could I forget about dinner on Saturday night... This is what we were all waiting for. The
LOBSTERS. I'm not talking about your 1 1/2 pound'ers that you get at the market. These babies were right off the boat. Lets see, we drove into Gloucester Saturday morning around 9:00 A.M. and went to the back door of warehouse on the water and waited for a scruffy old gentleman to let us in. We walked into a room with large crates floating in water that was being circulated by large hoses, kind of like a jacuzzi for lobsters, only the water was really COLD.

Then we just let him know what size we wanted, payed and left. I can tell you that know one got anything less than three pounds and the largest was ten pounds. We opted to get a six pound that we split. Next time we're going to get a ten, because at six pounds it cost us $46 and a ten only costs about $12 more. Oh, we ate well that night. We had already brought our own corn potatoes and butter but it seems that Mel and his friends had already chipped in to get corn and potatoes for everyone, thanks any way.
On Sunday we drove into Gloucester and walked around shore and by the statues on the coast, like the "old man and the Sea." Then finished out or trip by having lunch at "The Gull" restaurant, which supposedly have the best seafood chowda. I'm glad that we went and if at all possible I really want to go again next year. Although the way things are looking right now, Jaedyn, Autumn and I may be living in New York in our first home. So we have a lot of good things going on right now and we are all really excited.
I love that pic of Jaedyn sleeping in the kayak! You must have totally worn her out bike riding - she has endless amounts of energy! Wish I had been up to going with you... next time! =)
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