Friday, February 22, 2008

SNOW!!!!!! Finale....

Well, the last couple of days was a twofer. It was the first time we've been up to Vermont this winter and the first time I'd been able to get out in some real snow. Wednesday we got up to the cabin around 4:00 and besides unpacking, playing in the snow was number one on our things to do list. Jaedyn and I played in the snow till the sun went down and we couldn't dig anymore. We tried making some snow tunnels in the pile at the end of the drive way but it was frozen solid. Needless to say we didn't get too far. The remainder of the night we spent playing "trouble" and relaxing in front of the fire after a nice hearty dinner.

Thursday Jaedyn and I woke up early and had a protein filled breakfast and headed off to the woods for some snow shoeing. She seemed really into it at first but after about an hour she was pooped and bored. A little break was in order and luckily I'd brought just the thing, a comfy seat and some psittacosis. The break was short lived because she was still bored and wanted to go back to the cabin. Oh well, when it comes to kids in the outdoors you have to be flexible. Sometimes they can go forever but you also need to be prepared for them to be unenthusiastic and just want to do their own thing.

Friday was a snowy paradise that beckoned. After Autumn woke up I took off across the road and through the field. I followed the logging trail on the other side of the field down towards the river in town. Of course, when I have the perfect setting for pictures I forget the camera. I'll try to paint the imaginary picture for you... Frozen river, snowy morning, animal tracks to and from the river, snow covered trees and an old train bridge in the background. Yeah, that good.

So after taking in all mother nature had to show me I started to head back. Only I didn't want to take the same way back and miss calculated. So instead of coming out on the other end of the field I came out in between the two Fairbanks houses, three fields up the hill.

This is what time in Vermont is all about. Play hard during the day and relax well at night. Its hard to describe in a word or phrase but there is something that calms and recharges the soul when I've spent time there, whether its been a week or just a couple of days.

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